March 4, 2011

The Best Birthday Present Ever

This is my birthday week and I couldn't be more excited about my gift. No, I'm not talking about the new iPad which was announced on my birthday and which will, I hope, soon be mine. I'm talking about a shiny new piece of blog bling I get to display:

That's right, today I have a piece syndicated on BlogHer! Winning! It is called Unspoken But True. Even if you've read this piece before here, I'd appreciate it if you'd visit BlogHer and leave a comment over there. I'm hoping to be invited back again.

If you're visiting me for the first time, I'm so happy you're here. I write primarily about raising Moe, my three year old son with autism. You can learn about me and my family by clicking on the Peanut Gallery link in the header.

Here are some of my favorite posts from the last few months. Enjoy them, and I hope you'll visit again soon.

Dreams of a Parallel Universe: One of my favorites ever, it holds a little surprise.

Remember Only This: A post inspired by a Maya Angelou quote.

Cold Hands, Warm Heart: My short and sweet approach to Moe's autism.

Forever Linked: Post inspired by events that changed me, and the world, forever.

No More Wishes: Why I've given up wishing, but found hope instead.

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