When Moe started at his first center-based program, our first exposure to early intervention, I was really anxious. I imagined Moe being placed into a room full of kids flapping and screaming, rocking in corners. It's horrible, I know, but I was new to autism, and I was scared.
Slowly, by choice and by necessity, I've become more involved in the autism community. And on May 21, I'm going to take another step in that direction. A lot of steps, actually. The Peanut clan is going to be walking in the Bay Area Walk Now for Autism Speaks.We're walking on a team with our Music Therapist, my BFF and whoever else wants to join us.
I don't need to tell you why autism research is important. If you read this blog, you are probably the parent of a child with autism. Or maybe you are a member of my family, and are keeping up on Moe's progress. Whatever your reason for reading this, just by being here, you are affected by autism.
So today, I'm going to ask for your support. And like an NPR pledge drive, I'm going to keep asking until you get so tired of hearing me you finally give in, or until we reach our goal.
So please, if you can, make a pledge to support Moe on behalf of all your beautiful kids. Any amount will help. Thank you.