March 18, 2011

Thank You!

Two days ago, I asked for support. During a time of financial crisis, during a time when so many people around the world need help, I asked you to give. I asked you to sponsor me as I participate for the first time in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks.

In just two days, you donated $1,440.
$20, $50, $100 (or more!) at a time. All so generous. Right now, I am one of the top fundraisers for the Bay Area walk.

I did not ask to be the parent of a child with autism.When Moe was diagnosed, life took a detour and I'm not sure we'll ever get back. But along the way, I found you. 

I asked, and you responded. And for that I thank you.

I've met my fund raising goal, so as promised, I won't be bugging you for any more money. The pledge drive has ended. But see that thermometer over on the right? I'd love to see that number continue to grow. If you want to sponsor me with a donation to Autism Speaks, just click that thermometer over there.


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