June 4, 2011

A Little Perspective

I was planning to write about a toy today. It is a toy I bought a long time ago that the kids outgrew and I finally sold. The selling of this toy made me a little nostalgic and I was going to spend a few hundred words on why.

But then I found out a good friend of mine, a mom I know who has a daughter Moe's age, has lymphoma. She started treatment today.

My friend also has a newborn, her diagnosis coming after her baby was born via emergency C-section. She had been showing signs of what they thought was HELLP, but turned out to be cancer. Her week old baby is home and well, being cared for by family.

I can't imagine the heartbreak of a mom unable to be with her newborn baby. I can't imagine how her husband must feel, stretched between a newborn (and four year old) at home and wife in the hospital. I cannot get past this feeling of wanting to be able to do more to help.

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