October 5, 2011

Yay! It's my SITS day!

Last year, I discovered a group called The SITS Girls. True to their mission of supporting bloggers, they formed some tribes (hello, Spring Chickens!) to help us connect with like-minded bloggers. I found my first real connections on the web through that tribe. And today, I hope to make some more connections, since it is my day to be The SITS Girls featured blogger!

If you are new to this blog, I'd like to welcome you and introduce you to Moe.

Moe is my four year old son. He has autism, and he is the primary inspiration for this blog.
Moe doesn't talk. But sometimes he signs.

Oh, to have been in the room
when this school photo was taken.
I write a lot about the joys and challenges that Moe and his disability bring to our lives. But I write about a lot of other things as well: Moe's two year old sister, Jelly; books I've read; trying to sell our house; and whatever else is driving me crazy inspiring me at the moment. When I grow up I want to be a writer, so next month I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo. Anyone care to join me?

If you're visiting for the first time, leave a comment! I'd love to know more about you and check out your blog too. To learn more about my family's story, click on the "Peanut Gallery" tab above, or read some of my favorite posts, listed below. Thanks for sharing this day with me!
Thanks again to the talented and beautiful ladies over at The SITS Girls, a community of over 10,000 women dedicated to supporting each other, and who are featuring me today! They are also the creators of Bloggy Boot Camp, my first blogging conference.


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