I am back from the BlogHer conference in San Diego. I have a lot to do: business cards to sort through, notes to review, thoughts to process, and sleep to catch up on. I'll be writing more about the conference, as well as sharing a book club post, this week. But for now, here is a brief list of some things I learned at BlogHer.
- Never wear new shoes to the first day of a conference, no matter how comfortable they seem out of the box.
- Twitter is great for many things, but if you want to find someone in a crowd of 3600 people, get a phone number.
- Everyone has a story to tell. Some will make you cry, but some will make you laugh so hard you can't catch your breath. We need both kinds.
- I am not too old to party until 1 a.m. three nights in a row.
- I am definitely too old to party until 1 a.m. three nights in a row.
- I may still find use for my Sociology, Communications, and MBA degrees.
- Online connections are important, but nothing compares to looking someone in the eyes and telling them "I understand."
- Big things can start in a small room.
Thanks to all the wonderful people who made my first BlogHer so great! You know who you are.