Jeff was at a class on Thursday night. I got the kids in bed, ate some dinner and planned to spend the rest of the evening assembling the dollhouse we got for Jelly's birthday. Around 8:30 or so, I noticed Moe was still awake. This was not surprising, and usually I go in, change him if necessary, tuck him in, and he falls asleep in a few minutes.
This time, I went in to find Moe completely naked, a poop-filled diaper off and the obvious mess that would follow the removal of said diaper. Needless to say, getting Moe cleaned and changed, then changing the sheets, pillows and blankets while trying to keep him from running around the house was a royal pain in the ass.
This was not the first time Moe has taken off his diaper in his crib, but it was the first time in the one piece pajamas, and is becoming a bit of a trend. Thankfully, he isn't always dirty. The boy just likes to be naked, I guess.
By the time I got Moe back down, then rocked Jelly who was still awake with all the commotion, it was almost 9:30 and I didn't want to start putting together a dollhouse. After assembling our play kitchen, I know these things can take hours. But I also felt awful that Jelly wouldn't wake up on her birthday with her present all put together.
Jeff got home, both kids were asleep and the house was quiet (of course). But he saved the day and put the dollhouse together. Jelly woke up to find her birthday present waiting for her, and it's awesome.