July 27, 2014

Top 10 Things I Learned at BlogHer. Okay, top 11.

I just returned home from BlogHer '14. This was my second BlogHer conference, and although nothing can compare to your first BlogHer, I still learned quite a lot. Here are my top takeaways from BlogHer '14.

1. It is okay not to want to "monetize" my blog or promote brands, unless I'm promoting my book.

2. It is time for me to start my book.

3. There are really interesting changes happening in the publishing world and when I do finally get that book finished there are several ways to consider publishing that. I plan to write a post on that soon.

4. Twitter is still relevant. Especially if you are trying to find your friends at a blogging conference.

5. My blogging/Facebook/Twitter friends are also fantastic people in real life.

6. Some conversations are better had in person.

7. There is power in storytelling.

8. Kara Swisher is really smart and funny. So is Arianna Huffington.

9. I really need to get one of those portable charging devices. I spent a good amount of time sitting in the hallway with my phone plugged in, getting my power fix. This one from MyCharge seemed to be a pretty good one.

10. Jeff is a really great dad and husband who enables me to go to blogging conferences and come and go as I please for three days while he watches the kids, takes care of bedtime, meals, and swimming lessons. He didn't complain about it once. I know I would if he left for the better part of 3 days.

11. Although I definitely want to keep blogging, it is time for me to evolve this blog. I am not giving up on it, but I will be making changes. It could be a while, and I plan to do it slowly and carefully. Now I have to figure out what those changes should be. Feel free to make suggestions.

I met so many friends, new and old, but I want to give a special shout-out to these writers and friends who are as wonderful in real life as they are on their blogs: 

Adrienne from No Points for Style
Jill from Yeah. Good Times (and a Voices of the Year 2013 winner!)
Lexi, formerly of Mostly True Stuff, but who will be announcing a new blog soon
Kristin from Running to be Still. I am still figuring out how I can keep her from leaving the state.

And a new friend, Jen from Born Just Right who is just all sorts of awesome. And I don't use that word lightly.


  1. I was so disappointed that I wasn't able to go to this conference (I was flying in from Hawaii, so I can't complain!). Good luck with your book!

  2. You rock. Thanks. I'm so happy to keep in touch after the conference. (I finally head home tomorrow!)

  3. Sorry we didn't get to meet! I need to evolve my blog, too. Thinking on how to do that. A lot to process.

  4. I like your blog the way it is. An honest account of living with a child on the spectrum. Please don't become one of the 'informative blogs' where you always have to teach us something on autism

  5. I SO loved loved loved meeting you!!!


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