
Best Of The Nut

Anybody Want A Peanut? is a portrait of my life raising a preschooler on the autism spectrum, including day to day challenges, navigating early intervention and the school system, and all of the feelings, from the heartbreaking to the hilarious, that go along with it.

The above statement is the "elevator pitch" I created for this blog, it's purpose for being. I write about my family's personal journey with parenting and autism, which may or may not resemble yours. The most rewarding piece of blogging for me has been the connections I've built with other bloggers and the knowledge that none of us are in this alone. Although I often write about very day-to-day things going on with my kids, I also cover our experience with more universal topics in autism and special needs in general: assessments, early intervention, special education and behavioral issues.

In addition to a chronicle of our lives, this blog is also a place for me to become a better writer.  This is a list of the pieces of which I am most proud.

And finally, a little bit of humor. This fish, by the way, is still alive: Fish For Sale